Additional Reading, Resources and Podcasts

Let Grow Blog

Various 2-3 minute reads or videos on topics related to child independence and play.

The website also has a list of various books including the President of Let Grow, Lenore Skenazy’s book titled Free Range Kids.

Our little Playnest

Offers a list of reading for parents by various topics and stages of the parenting journey.

Local Podcasts

Pathways to Family Wellness

Hosted by a local chiropractor family at Seaside Chiropractic in Norwell. Episodes cover various health discussions.

Listen to a recent interview with Peter Gray (one of the Let Grow co-founders and best selling author on free play concepts).

Wonder Mother Podcast

Hosted by a mom that grew up in Norwell and recently lived in Braintree and Pembroke. She has since moved to Canada in the past year but has never lost her connection to the South Shore. Being an impressive mother in her own right she created this podcast to help women connect with each other and share their wisdom. She wants women to leave her podcast feeling uplifted, inspired and understood.

Listen to a recent interview one of our Directors did on her own motherhood journey as well as the creation of this non profit.

Other Digital Wellness Podcasts
Screen Deep takes aim at decoding young brains and behavior in a digital world.  Host Kris Perry dives deep with a leading expert in each episode to explore how children and adolescents are affected mentally, physically, and developmentally by digital media use, bringing research and evidence-based perspectives to the essential questions on how to help children thrive today.


Free the Anxious Generation

A website dedicated on research and resources surrounding the concepts of the book Anxious Generation by Jonathan Haidt. You can subscribe to the author’s substack also here.

You can pick up a copy of his book at local bookstore Buttonwood Books.